Your more exceptional music publisher!
The right of withdrawal
You may revoke your contractual agreement up to the time when you got the download links for the sheet music files, free of charge and without indication of reasons in text form (letter or E-Mail). The withdrawal period starts when this information is received in writing, but not before the fulfillment of our duty to supply information according duties of information in accordance with Art. 246 § 2 in connection with § 1 Section 1 and 2 EGBGB. To observe the revocation period it is sufficient to send off the revocation.
The withdrawal has to be send to:
Lothar Ochmann
Am Schlossgarten 36
D-26122 Oldenburg, Germany
After you got the download links for the sheet music files, you have no longer a right of withdrawal according to § 312d section 4, Nr. 1 BGB, because sheet music files are not returnable products.
Consequences of revocation
In the case of an effective revocation the mutually received benefits are to be returned and compensation made for any benefits derived.
End of the right of withdrawal.